Power and awakening. Psyche, stories, language, in the landscape of the owl service

Internet meandering through the wonders of The Dark Mountain Project, Martin Shaw's writing, and re-thumbing Clarissa Pinkola Estes' Women who Run with Wolves', thinking about fairytales and myth the darkness and warnings in the tales. Power and awakening. Psyche, stories, language, landscape. Rich, interesting territory.
Had the priviledge of staying in the house of Clive Hicks-Jenkins and have been really inspired by the interweaving of landscape, object, figure throughout his work.
Found myself inspired and reminded of 'The Owl Service' by Alan Garner which I read and loved as an 10 year old, just moved to Wales, an adaption of the Welsh Myth Blodeuwedd. The Owl pattern on the plates comes to life and I can remember my sense of fascination and fear at the story and the oddness of it all, the pull of something unknown and deeply familiar.
I couldn't name it then and have spent a long time and my creative work trying to pin it down, define it and make sense of it. It refuses definition, I get closer to have it move away but it's in T. S Eliot's timelessness and time, still and moving, it's in the resonance of place, psychometry, in the vibrancy of matter, reciprocal being, myth and a soul journey, the search for wholeness. It's in sensing and ultimately it's in stillness and listening. In paying attention and tuning into a wider sense and self.
I loved the connection with Wales too, going back there is always such a strong sense of feeling 'home' and always so hard to leave. I feel the pull of the wild if I have been away too long and the depth of my sense of 'being' when I am there, slightly haunts me when I am not. In Welsh there is the word 'Hiraeth', for this sense of grounding and home in place and then the longing for place that encompasses the body and senses, relational being - landscape as kith and kin. The true meaning of being at 'home.'